The Most Common Clog in Wichita Plumbing Systems


Hair Clogs In Your Wichita Home. Simple Solutions Plumbers Recommend

Hair clogging a drain is one of the most common clogs every Wichita household has to deal with. Even a drain stopper won’t prevent this problem all the time. Singles hairs can still work their way into your lines over time creating a nasty clump that will begin to slow down your drain and eventually stop it from draining at all. Short of not shaving or doing other hygenic activities which cause this issue there are things you can do to rid your plumbing of this nasty problem before it gets even worse. Try these 5 simple home remedies yourself before calling a plumber. These will work on the most common hair clog issues found in showers, tubs, or bathroom sinks. If these remedies fail remember you can always call one of our expert plumbers to come out and fix the problem quickly.

Vinegar and Baking Soda: One of the best-kept plumbing secrets is how effective this combination works to quickly clear many clogging problems including hair. Start off by squirting a small amount of dish soap in your drain then add a cup of vinegar and another cup of baking soda. After about 7 minutes the reaction between the vinegar and baking soda should have occurred. Add one or two cups of boiling water. Run your tap to see if indeed that clog has disappeared. To be sure that all the hair clog has been flushed away use a cup or flat plunger on your drain to remove any hair that has been left behind. If the sink, shower, or tub still drains slowly repeat the process. If you are still unable to clear the clog a plumber might be your next step.

Try Using A Pair Of Tweezers: Sometimes the stringy nature of hair makes it difficult to remove using a plunger. While it’s a nasty business you can try pulling the hair out with tweezers. To get out the hair you will first need to remove the drain stopper if you have one. This may require the use of a screwdriver depending on the nature of your drain. Once you have the drain stopper removed take a flashlight and shine it into the drain. You should then be able to see the accumulation of hair. Use your tweezers to began removing the hair bit by bit. Needle-nose pliers can also work well for this. You might want to wear a pair of gloves as this can be a most unpleasant task. While you’re doing this you might also want to remove any hairs that have accumulated on the stopper. Once you have finished the job run some hot water down the drain to make sure it has been thoroughly cleaned out.

Try A Snaking Device: If the above two methods have failed in clearing up the clog your next option is a snaking device. These can either be a homemade model or something you purchase. A lot of times this will depend on the severity of the clog and how long you have let the problem go. Start by taking a wire hanger from your closet and straightening it out. Poking it down into the drain can work surprisingly well especially if the clog is not too severe. If this does not work you may need to purchase a tool called a zip-it-tool. These cost next to nothing at a big box or hardware store. These are nothing more than plastic drain cleaners that can be thrown away once the clog has been removed. If this fails to solve the problem you may have to purchase another type of drain snake device. They are different types needed depending on the severity of the clog. Someone at a hardware store should be able to help you purchase the correct one once you describe the severity of your problem. These devices should remove almost any type of clog you are dealing with. Once you have the clog removed at a minimum run some hot water down your drain or consider the baking soda vinegar option mentioned above just to make sure the clog has been completely removed.

Removal Of Drain: If the first three methods fail to remove the clog you may have to remove the entire drain. This is one of the more complicated ways to rid your drain of a clog and it does take some knowledge so give the other methods a try before attempting this. For a sink drain, you will need to first place a bucket under the p-trap to catch any water that might drip out. Unscrew the p-trap and that should clear the clog. If the hair clog is in your tub or shower you will need a special tool called a plug wrench that will fit into the tub or shower drain and pry the drain loose. It is always a  good idea to always wear gloves when trying to unclog something as it can turn into a pretty nasty job that also won’t smell too good. If your to busy or prefer not to tackle the job you can always call a plumber. Calling a plumber can be expensive even for a simple job like a hair unclog. A couple of these methods especially the first two are relatively easy to attempt so we recommend at least giving it a try.

Call a Plumber: A Wichita drain plumber expert will have the tools, technology, and know-how to quickly rid your sink, tub, or shower of any type of clog, not just hair. From food to grease to soap scum to toilet paper to the “what did you put in the drain this time” a qualified plumber has probably seen it before and is fully capable of fixing the problem. Your first thought when a messy clog rears its ugly head is to reach for a liquid drain cleaner product. And while they may have glowing testimonials right on the bottle they often times end up being ineffective at the least and at the worst hurting your pipes. Many times these products will just sit on top of the clog and with their toxic chemical ingredients can actually eat away at your pipes. Also, protective eyewear, as well as gloves and face shield, should be worn at all times when applying these products. One of the above-mentioned remedies might just do the trick without damaging your pipes and without the need of harsh toxic chemicals that are not only dangerous to you but your pets as well.